2 month old Easter Eggers being jerks.


Aug 3, 2023
Central Georgia
Hey I have two Easter Eggers, they’re about two months old, so they currently still look like little raptors lol. They’re kind of being jerks. When I walk into their 4 x 6 enclosure they’ll go after my hand and peck quite aggressively. Their 8 sisters (different breeds) don’t do this. It’s more than a curious peck, they will approach fast and have actually broke a little skin in my hand before. We have a 6 month old and are doing everything we can to keep from having a-hole chickens. I haven’t noticed them aggressive with the other chickens. They are middle of the pack in size. I feed them mealworms from my hand and I handle them as often as I can. They used to be much more docile and were the easier ones to pick up. I make sure I talk softly and approach all my birds slowly, so I’d have a hard time thinking it was something I was doing. All of the others are great.

Any behavioral advice?

Do you know if they're cockerels? Cockerels can be aggressive sometimes, and get more aggressive with age. If they are pullets, they might be doing this in hopes of a treat. I've had a few chickens who'll peck hard for treats, and others, who will literally grab a price of skin on my hand and twist hard- every single time (I have to warn people not to hand-feed those girls). With my girls who liked to peck and scratch me with their beaks, I sometimes had to give them a peck back with my hand until they stopped. Now, those girls don't peck me as much.
Sorry, this is the best I have at the moment!
The one at the bottom that is circled is almost definitely a boy. Large comb for that age
Sorry, this is the best I have at the moment!
I believe those are both cockerels. Almost certain the bottom one circled is, and skeptical of the other.
How many ladies are around? I’ve noticed cockerels get spicy when they begin feeling like they need to fight over females. If you don’t mind keeping them (I kept mine), maybe consider upping your flock with hens.
I spent a LOT of time with my roosters while brooding, and they grew up to be absolute loves. They also have quite a few hens around, though.
I think they would be stressed with that many birds in that space. It would definitely help for them to be outside. I have 6 bantam EE’s that are 6 weeks old and they’ve been spending every day outdoors since they were 5 days old. They have branches to roost on at several heights. They love to fly. Their run is 12 X 14 and it seems too small.
In the bottom picture, the one on the right looks like a cockerel and the one on the left looks like a pullet and neither looks like an Easter Egger.
So this is where I get confused about the Easter Eggers. Any research about the breed says it’s a mixed breed. I’ve found hundreds of pictures online that have different looking Easter Eggers.

Granted, I got them from tractor supply, do you think they would be that wrong about the breed / sex?

My other birds came from Meyer hatchery in Indiana (shipped).
Hey I have two Easter Eggers, they’re about two months old, so they currently still look like little raptors lol. They’re kind of being jerks. When I walk into their 4 x 6 enclosure they’ll go after my hand and peck quite aggressively. Their 8 sisters (different breeds) don’t do this. It’s more than a curious peck, they will approach fast and have actually broke a little skin in my hand before. We have a 6 month old and are doing everything we can to keep from having a-hole chickens. I haven’t noticed them aggressive with the other chickens. They are middle of the pack in size. I feed them mealworms from my hand and I handle them as often as I can. They used to be much more docile and were the easier ones to pick up. I make sure I talk softly and approach all my birds slowly, so I’d have a hard time thinking it was something I was doing. All of the others are great.

Any behavioral advice?

Can you post pics?
Do you know if they're cockerels? Cockerels can be aggressive sometimes, and get more aggressive with age. If they are pullets, they might be doing this in hopes of a treat. I've had a few chickens who'll peck hard for treats, and others, who will literally grab a price of skin on my hand and twist hard- every single time (I have to warn people not to hand-feed those girls). With my girls who liked to peck and scratch me with their beaks, I sometimes had to give them a peck back with my hand until they stopped. Now, those girls don't peck me as much.

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