2 Month Old Silkies, Too Early To Tell Sex?

Thanks everyone! I'm brand spanking new to chickens, and I chose Silkies because I think they are just the cutest things. I've got these 2, and then 6 two week olds still in the brooder. And the coop/pen isn't even completed! LOL, I really did get the chickens before then pen, and now have these 2 month olds living in a dog crate in my basement. My husband is working his butt off trying to get it completed, and he's really been a saint through all of this.
I'm in Spotsylvania Virginia, just south of Fredericksburg. I should probably introduce myself officially to the board. :)
The hackle feathers are the ones around the neck that the roos raise up when standing off against one another to mke themselves look bigger. They're more pointed in the males. Silkies are a little different, but the females are more fluffier while the males hackles look kind of smooth. I'm about 75% sure the second one is a male now. I can see a wider comb developing. You should keep him if you have a pair. Silkies make great parents! The females go broody a lot and even the males help take care of the babies. He can mate her and you'll have lots of beautiful babies!
I've thought about keeping him, but I got him with the other Splash in the pic as itty bitty's, from the same person, I'm pretty sure they're related, although not positive. Also, Roosters scare the &^*$ out of me! LOL. I don't think I could deal if he one day came after me. I know there are people who say that Silkies aren't like that, but I've hear stories of Silkie roosters that can be quite nasty too. Although the idea of having itty bitty's from my own Silkies sounds great. :)
You should keep him! The lady who I picked up some silkie eggs from recently had a splash rooster that was a big sweetheart! He followed me around letting me pet him and the lady picked him up and was toting him around!

Oh keep him, he's sooo cute. He looks just like my little silkie cockerel. I am grooming him to be friendly, I hold him a lot, which he seems to like (especially when he is tired). I do have an evil silkie roo who attacks feet, but he can't fly any higher than my shin, and I usually just show him the bottom of my shoe, then my barred rock hen attacks him for going after me
girl on left boy on right is my guess.. sometimes posture tells it all! Also the boys will defend the group.. so if one pecks you when u are trying to touch or get close that's the boy!

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