2 months with out a loss untill last night.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 9, 2011
New Hampshire
Im not sure what it was, but it had to be small. I believe it sucked the blood out. I lost my BO. I only have 1 left of that breed. She was 5 months. I have a small hole in the door. Im in the seacoast of nh. What could it be? The body was just laying there with a few feathers around. NO blood. Body appeared to be slimy on a small area. They roost up high, but could have fallen down when scared.
Sorry for your loss

Slimy sounds like a snake that picked a meal a bit to big to swallow and had to spit it back out.
I have seen it before.

A 6 foot snake like rat snake or racer could easily kill a 5 month old chicken but swallowing it could be difficult depending on the size of the bird.

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