2 of my 4 silkies are completely bald


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Oakland County, MI
I was shocked to see them like this. Really? In one day? So I took who I believe is the offending bully and put her in a dog kennel inside the coop with food and water. I only have 4 birds, all silkies and they have a huge coop and run! Time out for a day or so and then I'm not so sure what to do. There are no wounds on their little bald heads. My birds keep going broody this time of year and even with a light they have quit laying all together. Any advice for the head plucking?
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How old are they? Molting season is now. Molting can be dramatic. Search Moulting / Molting here on BYC for more info and some pictures.

If there's no blood, I would guess molting.

One rooster, three hens??

Stopped laying? Depending on age.. have you wormed them? When and with what?

Good luck.

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