2 of my drakes are fighting…

I think that little cage is only good enough for a 10 minute "time out". It's not big enough to confine a drake overnight. I think you have to completely separate the two females: their presence is stirring up hormone trouble in your drakes. Females are easier to rehome than drakes

With an all drake flock, I think the drakes have to sort out their relationships for themselves. I am only separating my pekin at night as he is half the size of the muscovies. They are sorting themselves out during the day
My pekin drakes fought each other the first spring I had them. I separated thrm with a small fence. I added 2 runner drakes thinking I’d just make another wall and have 4 spaces. Turns out birds of a feather flock together. They have formed 2 teams, so I separate pekins from the runners and they’re all good, all summer.

You may have to experiment a bit. It can be challenging!
I process murderous drakes. I have multiple drakes in my flock and only 3 are non-negotiable staying alive. The other drakes will go if they start to cause issues.
Just 2, but i have them on the other side of the duck coop bc there’s a divider in the middle.
Edit: Could i add on to the duck coop and make a room for each of the drakes?
Every time i break up a fight, one or the other drake bites me really hard.
Oh... there's a rule here: If the bird bites me, I bite back (after the chopping block, dressing and plucking, and cooking it). Aggression towards people is not tolerated. A drake isn't going to do much damage to me, but the kids love being around the birds and are 2 and 5 years old.
Why do you have so many drakes to begin with?
Is culling/processing or rehoming drakes not an option? If not, I fear you will continue to have issues with fighting.

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