2 polish pullets to a good home - Georgia

I am just a little confused...for the Black Crested White pullet do you mean White Crested Black Polish ??
I've just never heard of the other coloring and don't see it in my catalogs. If it is the White Crested, is
it still available ? Although I am in eastern PA, I noticed that you mentioned you'd consider shipping in
the warmer weather if you weren't able to find a local home. I am interested.
I would like to have them as well. I would have to have them shipped too. I'm only in Alabama though so they would be in the mail less than 24 hours. I'd pay for shipping as long as you would make sure you follow the directions and ship the birds according to the usps directions for live animals. I have three nice prefabricated coops and they would be a nice asset. My birds are pets and we fed organic food and havest eggs. All of mine are pullets. Not even laying yet so they should get along just fine. Do you have any pics? How old? How is their health? Both females right?

Joseph Stooksberry

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