2 sick hens - one older, one young


13 Years
Jul 26, 2007
Mount Shasta, CA
Our birds have the run of our large fenced yard during the day. Lots of grass and greenery to peck and scratch at.

For the past couple weeks I noticed that a young Polish hen (6 months old or so) has been very sluggish. She comes out of the coop and seems to move around but in the afternoon she is predictably sitting idle on the lawn. In the evening, she makes it back in the coop but inntead of flying up to a perch, he parks herself on the floor in a poo box. I pick her up and place her on a perch with very little resistance.

Tonight I discovered one of our Barred Rocks laying on the floor of the coop as well. She really loos awful and seems extremely weak. I set her on top of a nesting box but she barely had strength to collapse back to her breast. Her eyes are closed, her crown is flopped over and she is breathing heavily. I don't see where this one lasts until the morning. Sad. She is one of our first flock 4 years ago.

We are up in the montains of No. California - weather has been pleasant - so this is certainly not heat related.

Could we have something that is spreading around the flock or might this be a coincidence that both birds seem to be ailing. What does one do when this happens? Any suggestions.
Sorry for your loss.

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