2 Week old barnyard mix. Looks like a rooster already?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
This chick is a mix of goodness knows what. I had to help him/her out of the egg after 24 hours of no progress and he/she is thriving! Looking like it's got a huge comb already though...you experts think rooster?

Do you have any idea what sort of a mix it is? If it's part leghorn or another big-combed breed, it might be a pullet. But... a comb that big at that age is making me lean a little towards roo.
I'm going to say pullet, because I'm new and I can. (Actually I just think it's a pullet because of the sweetness in her eyes)
It is most likely a leghorn mix. She had tons of different free ranging chickens on the ranch I bought the eggs from. These were hatched from my broody hen :). Thanks for the input. I will try to update as they get older and let you know what we find!

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