2 week old chick: respiratory illness?


In the Brooder
Mar 17, 2015
Hi there. We recently picked up two chicks from our local chicken supply store. Had them both for a week or so now, and while one seems very healthy - active, eating a ton, drinking normally - the other has been sneezing, shaking her head and lethargic for 3-4 days now. I’ve given both of them probiotics and electrolytes in drinking water, increases brooder temp and added paper towels over pine chips to eliminate dust. Went to the chicken supply store and was talked out of Tylan 50, but she seems to be getting worse and I’m noticing watery/bubbly eyes. Looks like people have also suggested Oxine in other threads if other chicks seem to be doing well/not infected. Any thoughts?
I would get the Tylan50 and give the chick 1/4 ml 2-3 times a day for 5 days. But give it orally, although you will need a few needles and syringes to withdraw it from a vial. Remove the needle and give it a drop at a time.
I would get the Tylan50 and give the chick 1/4 ml 2-3 times a day for 5 days. But give it orally, although you will need a few needles and syringes to withdraw it from a vial. Remove the needle and give it a drop at a time.

Thank you! I’m assuming I should only treat the one infected if her brooder mate isn’t showing any signs? She seems to be doing better this morning - more active/less sneezing, but still not back to the level she was when we first got her.

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