2 wk old Frizzle - boy or girl?


11 Years
Mar 28, 2008
So. California


Here is a photo of one of my meanest little chicks that I ordered ....

this is a white, frizzle, bantam cochin .... 2 weeks + 2 days old.

Because this one is one of the meanest AND has a larger comb, I'm guessing boy ....

Would anyone else like to comment ???
Comb size mean anything in this photo?

I could upload another photo of a different chick, same age, same ship date, which has a smaller comb for you to see?


Good Morning i thought bf work i would try to get another frizzle photo on here, i think this one is a roo i do know his mother is an old english bantam, other photo black and white frizzle her mother is a SLW , notice this frizzle has no leg feathers but hes definitely frizzled photo does not do him justice of the unique feathering ...and like you said the 3 frizzles i have hatched , they are very fiesty and always the trouble makers and investigators of the crowd ....My Frizzle Roo is gentle and sweet , Good Luck with yours i just love frizzles
Maybe the Frizzle gene carries an aggression gene.. LMAO I have a straight feathered cochin that carries the frizzle gene and she is the meanest thing! Just downright nasty! And gives the stink eye! Good luck with yours! I hope it's a pullet, if that's what you're hoping for
My bantam white cochin roo chick is not frizzled, but he looked like that at 2 weeks, and this at 4 weeks. You'll know soon!

Warning: I have a dumb question to follow:

Coffeegirl78 said: My bantam white cochin roo chick is not frizzled, but he looked like that at 2 weeks, and this at 4 weeks. You'll know soon!

How will I know?
Because the boy combs will be bigger than the girls
or do I have to wait until they attemtp to crow !!! (I hate waiting til they crow !! By then I'm all attached and everything!)


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yeah- his waddle just turned very pink and started to grow fast. like in a week he went from nothing to the pic you see above. He did just crow yesterday too-he's 4 weeks.

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