2 yr old hen suddenly stopped laying, isn't broody


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 9, 2010
Colorful Colorado!
I have four hens all raised together and one, a production red, has stopped laying. She is not broody, in that she isn't spending any unusual time in the nest box or anywhere else. She acts completely fine. She still goes regularly to the nest box, sits for a normal amount of time, many times does the "egg song" and comes out - no egg???? No sign of shelless eggs. Can't figure it out. I know they slow down as they age, but since she was just 2 this spring and it went from regular laying to nothing in a week's time, it seems abnormal. Any ideas? At this point I am hoping a fall molt might put her system right again.
I am having the same situation. The only exception is that I introduced 2 hens to 2 hens and a rooster. The former hens lived in a pen within the others pen so they saw each other daily. All the hens stopped laying. Is it the stress of new Ladies in the area?? The rooster doesn't play favorites and both sets of hens stick to each other - no mingling yet and no squabbles that I know of. They also share the same roost with no problems (that I know of). Any thoughts here?
Chicachic my guess is that you are right about the stress of the introduction, if nothing else has changed. But that shouldn't last long.
No, no signs of molt. Like I said, she acts completely normal. Maybe she's just gearing up to have a very productive fall and winter. Nothing much I can do, but hope. She seems happy and healthy, so that's most important.
My one-year-old RIR, Scarlett, has stopped laying as well! She was just so good at giving us an egg every single day until about December. Then she stopped. Here it is the middle of June and she STILL isn't laying. Spends at least a couple hours a day sitting on the nest. No egg. But she is still happy, healthy, eats like a piggie, and is snuggly and talkative. So I'm sure she is healthy. I'm just bewildered over this. I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this strange behavior.

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