-20 and below-frozen egg issues

Bright light can cause pecking problems in the coop - I wonder about them in the nestbox area. There are ceramic heat bulbs which do not emit light.

It is often recommended that nestboxes be placed in the darker areas of the coop or be covered with curtains. Low light and darkness are egg-eating deterrents.


edited to say: I guess I'm not quite sure where those 3 60-watt bulbs are but perhaps it makes no difference to the OP since the question was for "no electricity" ideas.
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That's awfully cold! Maybe lights, heat pads, or other suggestions mentioned by others, but wonder if you can be sure with that kind of extreme cold, unless they are in heated quarters.
I am in South Central Alaska
I did test run on Sunday. We are usually gone all day every Sunday.
We have over 30 chickens, and I reduced nest boxes down to 5, and stuffed lots of hay in them.
We were gone until 5 pm, and when I gathered eggs, lots of them were still warm, and a few of them were cold, but not frozen
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Sounds like you have a solution! We will not be able to pick up eggs until 4pmish daily, but we have electricty so are planning to use a heat lamp over the nest box area when it gets below 20F as a regular temperature. The lamp should also help the Roost area.
LOL!!! No Way!!!
Its only really cold for 4 months out of the winter. Breakup begins in April (when the snow melts and the frost comes out of the ground).
Interior Alaska is where it gets really cold. -20 is a warm day in Fairbanks.
Yep Yep no way id move down there either! Glad things are working for you enjoy your trip
We are heading to AZ in a few days also. Im gonna melt lol

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