20 week old Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons


5 Years
Nov 15, 2014
Male or female? I'm thinking they're both males. Thanks!
I want to say both hens? I am in the same boat. I have lavender orpingtons. I noticed that if they have a longer waddle under their beak then they are roosters. I have one full blown rooster (cause he crows and he's as big as my dog). The feathers on the tail suggest hen as well and body shape. Good Luck! Here's my Jeffery at 14 weeks on the right

I have Blue Wyandottes. All the same age. One matured quickly and is a rooster, the other one that I know is a rooster acts like a hen. The rooster even tried to mate him. I know it's a him, just has to be. It's not crowing yet.
Thanks everyone! This is their father, we call him Cake. Ha! Don't ask. He's gorgeous!

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