2013 Sebastopol Breeding/Gosling Thread

Aspen so sorry for your losses, it's like losing a cherished friend.
Aspen I have an idea not sure if you are ready or not. But I have a smooth breasted solid lavender gander if you are interested. He is a bit independant but has lovely color. He is from woolfarm I raised him from a gosling. Here are a couple pictures of him.

Let me kknow if inteested in him or not..

Aspen, I will give him to you just pay for a box or if you have a box send it to me and pay shipping and you can have Indie. As a gosling he was a tiny thing and I called him Mr. Independant.
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Aspen, so sorry for your loss! That is heartbreaking!

I am very sorry for your losses. If there is anything I can do please let me know.
Aw, how sweet of you. Thanks sugar

Aspen so sorry for your losses, it's like losing a cherished friend.
I never thought I'd become so attached to my babies...but I do, and I miss them so much.
Aspen I have an idea not sure if you are ready or not. But I have a smooth breasted solid lavender gander if you are interested. He is a bit independant but has lovely color. He is from woolfarm I raised him from a gosling. Here are a couple pictures of him.

Let me kknow if inteested in him or not..

Aspen, I will give him to you just pay for a box or if you have a box send it to me and pay shipping and you can have Indie. As a gosling he was a tiny thing and I called him Mr. Independant.
PMing you -

OH Aspen -- that is so terrible. I feel so bad for you.

Barb -- you are too sweet. I hope things work out for you guys.
Thanks Kimberly

I want to think you all for your kind words and positive thoughts. It has helped me get over the loss of my beloved babies.

~ Aspen
Sorry about your losses, Aspen.

Do you have a big dog? I've found that having a big outside dog keeps away the foxes and racoons. It doesn't even need to be any particular kind of dog. I have a big mutt. He isn't any sort of LGD, in fact, he would kill all my birds himself, given the chance. However, just having him around keeps the predators away and we have a TON of racoons and foxes in my area. I see them running across the road all the time. My neighbors have had their chickens killed, but I haven't lost a single one. Last time I was on vacation, my dog was kept locked up. After a few days, the raccoons came and tried to rip apart my duck pens. Thankfully, they weren't successful. That's the only time they've tried. I'm positive that having my dog running around outside keeps them away.
Christina is very right. Our neighbor trapped 16 raccoons last fall, and we found a dead one in the yard along with a possum and 2 armadillos. Moose was a stray and worth his weight in gold.
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Christina is very right. Our neighbor trapped 16 raccoons last fall, and we found a dead one in the yard along with a possum and 2 armadillos. Moose was a stray and worth his weight in gold.
What a great dog you've got there! We have a Australian Shepard male, Rusty. He is a super sweet boy who just loves people, is a great watch dog and always lets us know when people are coming down our dirt road, if the animals are having a fit, or coyotes are getting too close, etc. However most of his night is spent on the front porch, in his nice, warm doggie bed. He is very lazy sometimes.

Put it this way.. yesterday night we set a big live trap, to hopefully catch the murdering coon...well I told one of the little ones to feed Rusty, so they went outside with his food and called him, he wouldn't come and wouldn't come, so I went to the backyard and over to the goose pen where the trap was set and guess who I found in the trap...yep, Rusty! I cannot believe that big 'ole dog fit inside the cage...he even turned around it it. Wow. I would love to have about 4 LGD's running around with all my poultry and waterfowl..but certain people in the family dislike them..so that isn't an option sadly.
Sorry about your losses, Aspen.

Do you have a big dog? I've found that having a big outside dog keeps away the foxes and racoons. It doesn't even need to be any particular kind of dog. I have a big mutt. He isn't any sort of LGD, in fact, he would kill all my birds himself, given the chance. However, just having him around keeps the predators away and we have a TON of racoons and foxes in my area. I see them running across the road all the time. My neighbors have had their chickens killed, but I haven't lost a single one. Last time I was on vacation, my dog was kept locked up. After a few days, the raccoons came and tried to rip apart my duck pens. Thankfully, they weren't successful. That's the only time they've tried. I'm positive that having my dog running around outside keeps them away.

~ Aspen
What a gorgeous guy, Kim!
I agree- we'd never be without the dogs. Just having the one Anatolian out there really makes a difference, and the sheepdog- we just walk the land with him so he can mark the territory.

And don't forget- a big dog can be a good deterrent/alarm to human predators as well.
Well, one of the eggs quit. The two I had were the only ones that developed out of about 20+ eggs. This was from a pair that I am keeping for a friend.

Hopefully the rest of the flock will start to lay soon. It's time to seperate everyone out now.

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