2013 Sebastopol Breeding/Gosling Thread

I went out to check on everybody this afternoon and found my lavender girl in her house on a lovely little nest. And outside in the yard was her egg. She was still on the nest 2 hours later. 7 eggs from her in 11 days!
My goose is acting very strange, she its trying to climb on everything. Today she climbed up in the engine compartment of an old truck of my uncles then she couldn't get out, when we tried to help her she of course panicked and tried to climb higher, i was so afraid she would hurt herself before w could get her, luckily she didn't. We had to move a bunch of junk to get to her but she was ok just limping a little, Finishing project of junk removal this weekend . We barricaded the truck to keep her away.
Do you think this means there might be a goose egg soon? There has been a lot of hanky pinky going on in the pool between her and the gander!
Thanks Ruru, i guess that's what she is doing, i have moved or blocked of any thing she can climb up on. They have a nice large house with a thick layer of straw inside their pen. Should i fix something inside the house for her? She gets to free range the property during the day until evening feeding when i lock them in their pen for a couple hours until they get locked in the house just after dark.
Aaajjss1- that's sounds like she's already got a favorite spot picked out and is getting ready to lay. I have seen it here too with one of my girls. I can't let them out to free range now though- too many places for eggs to dissappear.
What eggs?? We're still looking for the geese.

Edited: I just went outside and we have ice everywhere with some wet snow on top of it in places. That's the only way to walk safely, step from snow patch to snow patch...my poor birds. We had freezing rain all day Friday then snow (~5") late Friday night into Saturday. The snow is melting, and some ice is melting, then it refreezes overnight. Yuck! I can't wait to it to all melt, then I can move my fencing to some grass for the precious geese to eat... Where they are is all picked clean and I'll have to reseed it once they're moved...
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Aaajjss1- that's sounds like she's already got a favorite spot picked out and is getting ready to lay. I have seen it here too with one of my girls. I can't let them out to free range now though- too many places for eggs to dissappear. 

I filled a large dog crate with a thick layer of straw and put it in their pen and piled more straw in the corners of their house i hope she likes one of those place better because rescuing her yesterday was scary and i don't want to do that again! Lol
If you don't let then out to free range how do they get a bath? I don't really want to put a pool in the pen it would be a big muddy mess. Its a bucket enough?:/
I have pools in every pen, up a little cedar deck. Our land is not flat in the least bit, so I put all the pools downslope so the dumped water runs away from the pen. The higher part of the pens (south side) I always have lots of straw on the ground because that's where they like to sunbathe.
yes it is... I keep looking for eggs but none so far
I hope you start finding some soon. I only have one Sebbie girl laying. She's laid 6 so far.
I went out to check on everybody this afternoon and found my lavender girl in her house on a lovely little nest. And outside in the yard was her egg. She was still on the nest 2 hours later. 7 eggs from her in 11 days!
Wow...that is awesome! My girl has laid 6 eggs so far..an egg every other day is her pattern right now.
My goose is acting very strange, she its trying to climb on everything. Today she climbed up in the engine compartment of an old truck of my uncles then she couldn't get out, when we tried to help her she of course panicked and tried to climb higher, i was so afraid she would hurt herself before w could get her, luckily she didn't. We had to move a bunch of junk to get to her but she was ok just limping a little, Finishing project of junk removal this weekend . We barricaded the truck to keep her away.
Do you think this means there might be a goose egg soon? There has been a lot of hanky pinky going on in the pool between her and the gander!
She very well could be looking for a nest. I've noticed several of my girls making nests in the hay in their runs.
Sounds like if it is a goose she is looking for a place to lay eggs. You need to provided a nesting area if you believe she wants a nest...
Thanks Ruru, i guess that's what she is doing, i have moved or blocked of any thing she can climb up on. They have a nice large house with a thick layer of straw inside their pen. Should i fix something inside the house for her? She gets to free range the property during the day until evening feeding when i lock them in their pen for a couple hours until they get locked in the house just after dark.
My goose lays her egg in their dog carrier, I have a thick layer of shavings put down for her.
Aaajjss1- that's sounds like she's already got a favorite spot picked out and is getting ready to lay. I have seen it here too with one of my girls. I can't let them out to free range now though- too many places for eggs to dissappear.
I cannot even imagine where my girls would lay their eggs if they were roaming around. I'd never find them! LOL
I filled a large dog crate with a thick layer of straw and put it in their pen and piled more straw in the corners of their house i hope she likes one of those place better because rescuing her yesterday was scary and i don't want to do that again! Lol
If you don't let then out to free range how do they get a bath? I don't really want to put a pool in the pen it would be a big muddy mess. Its a bucket enough?
If you give them a drop of water in their pen, they will somehow make the whole pen mud. All my pens have a small black plastic, 15 gal, pool in their pen. It gets refilled daily. Somedays, if I feel lazy or the hoses are frozen, I'll just give them a bucket of warm water.
I have pools in every pen, up a little cedar deck. Our land is not flat in the least bit, so I put all the pools downslope so the dumped water runs away from the pen. The higher part of the pens (south side) I always have lots of straw on the ground because that's where they like to sunbathe.

We had a layer of snow on the ground this morning, with large flakes falling heavily from the sky. Now it's raining/snowing, and everything is mud. Fun stuff!

The chickens are inside sulking...the ducks LOVE all this snow and MUD...muwhahahaha!! The geese aren't quite sure what to think about it.

~ Aspen
Today I pulled some eggs from 3 different pens. Only took six total. 2 from each pen. Nice looking eggs and nice hard shells. Just started up the incubator and will test it out for a couple days so everything is right on it to put the sebbie eggs in.
I sure hope this year is better than last year!!!
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