2013 Sebastopol Breeding/Gosling Thread

I am feeding a mix of oats, wheat, triticale, and lentils that I get from a local farmer. My business partner and I have found a different source for added protein, grit, necessary vitamins and minerals and fats needed. I think it ends up about $10.50 for a 50 lb bag.

The birds like the whole grains better than processed feed. It took mine a couple days to realize it was edible, but now they scarf it down.
Gosh the only thing on that list i can get is the oats, I was able to buy wheat back in the summer last year, no mills around here and a feed store that won't order things for me. Very frustrating.
Lydia- do you have a farmer's co-op by you? I have to get most individual bags of seed- like wheat- there. The feed store is just where i get my stuff that's already blended.

So I candled the first 8 eggs I set. 1 was rotten, but it was small anyway. 2 were clear- they were also ones that I found when it was 28 and 34 degrees outside. Still- there are still 5 little spiders going in the others .

I know some are lavender, but the others could be from 2 different ganders so I don't know...
saddleback split for buff x blue (might carry lav) or saddleback x blue (might carry lav)
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Lydia- do you have a farmer's co-op by you? I have to get most individual bags of seed- like wheat- there. The feed store is just where i get my stuff that's already blended.

So I candled the first 8 eggs I set. 1 was rotten, but it was small anyway. 2 were clear- they were also ones that I found when it was 28 and 34 degrees outside. Still- there are still 5 little spiders going in the others .

I know some are lavender, but the others could be from 2 different ganders so I don't know...
saddleback split for buff x blue (might carry lav) or saddleback x blue (might carry lav)
Congrats on the 5 fertile eggs!!

~ Aspen
Glad to hear you have 5 eggs growing. Go babies....
Thanks ladies!
I just realized that only one egg is a lavender, and all the rest are from the blue girl. Most of the lav eggs were her early ones when it was quite cold out though. BUT- I finally caught the saddleback split for buff gander breeding the blue goose!!!! They really are not shy if you squat down to fill the pools.
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Thanks ladies!
I just realized that only one egg is a lavender, and all the rest are from the blue girl. Most of the lav eggs were her early ones when it was quite cold out though. BUT- I finally caught the saddleback split for buff gander breeding the blue goose!!!! They really are not shy if you squat down to fill the pools.

That's great! I saw several of my ganders try to breed yesterday. I think one of them finally succeeded! LOL

~ Aspen
The second egg quit also.

I think the female is too old. I've had a few more eggs with detached air cells that were just laid and odd shaped eggs from her.

I guess I will just have to wait for my flock to start to lay now.
Can anybody tell me about how much seb goslings weigh (for shipping purposes) ? Parent stock is a bit on the heavy side. Thanks!
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