2013 Sebastopol Breeding/Gosling Thread

Thank you Goose and Fig.
They are BOTH Grey Saddleback females !!!!!

Here they are this morning on my bed. There is also a Blue saddleback in the picture with them I am hoping that one is a female as well.

How interesting that you will turn that refrigerator into an incubator. You should have plenty of room in there for your any kind of eggs you want! Hope it works well for you...Good luck.
would like to know how you are going to convert that fridge to a bator! what parts will you use.

am upset with my hovabator that i use for a Hatcher, it burned one of my babies today. it hatched this morning. and i didn't have time to get it out this morning before work. when i got home i looked in and the gosling got excited and stood up and hit the heating element, right above its eye it squeakex and scratched at it with its foot, now there is a burn mark there. a fraction lower and it would have got the eye. poor baby, anybody else ever have this happen? how could i prevent it?

4 out of the five hatched making 10 so far, one was turned upside down i could see its feet near the aircell when i candled last night, i thought to try and asisst this morning but it died overnight.

Winnie loves the 3 weekold goslings, such a good daddy goosie, lays right by the baby pen and watches them, and when i let them out he fusses over them like an old mother hen
I have a couple of the genesis hovabators that don't have the element, but my LG hatcher has one. I have worried about them getting burnt as well- so sorry that happened

I am not sure how we're going to do the fridge-a-bator just yet. There are parts places out there. A friend made his own using stuff from the incubator warehouse, but it has consistently failed so I don't think I will go that route. Or maybe its just him .

One of my broodies. Setting on 2 eggs, one of which I know is not fertile:
lol the broody its so cute like a big pil of feathers with eyes!
i am thinking of taking the water Reservoir and wire mesh out of the hova bator and adding a pan of water covered by something so they can't fall in, that will move the eggs and hatchlings lower. iwill use rubber maid shelfliner over papertowels in bottom for easy clean up. i will let you know how temp and humidity go i will work on it this evening. after i clean bator.
I put some eye ointment that I had from the vet on his little owie last night, this morning you can hardly even see it he sure is healing up fast.
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Box full of goslings!
Sebs and Americans, but I didn't hatch the Americans.
Why does the down color vary so much on Sebbies? Look at the difference between the far left bottom and top goslings...

Everyone has adorable babies

Goose here is my bator that Hubby built with parts from Incubator Warehouse. The top is the incubator and the bottom is a separate hatcher. We currently have a 100% hatch rate on the Embdens that make it to day 14. Our first Sebbies are due next week


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