2013 Sebastopol Breeding/Gosling Thread


i needed somewhere to put babies for a minute while I mucked out the goose house, mom and dad were very concerned!
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I have something strange going on...over 2 weeks ago, my yearling goose Scout decided she wanted to be broody. Not her mom Sadie, mind you, just Scout the baby. I had left 7 of their eggs there in the nest to encourage broodiness for about 2 weeks. they didn't show any interest til 5/16 when Scout plopped her fluffy butt down and has done such a great job! I candled them at 8 days old to see what was what. She was so docile, she just watched me lift her up and inspect each egg..
Anyways, they had laid 3 more to make 10 in all by that point, 2 were quitters and 1 was clear, so that left 7 again. I waited til yesterday (2 weeks) and candled again.Same sweet goose, no hissing, biting, nothing.
The males were threatening, so I shut the pen door on them while I did it. More fresh eggs were laid in the same nest (from Sadie) so they were to new to show anything....1 of the 7 was a quitter so I took that out, along with the fresh eggs. I found another fresh egg so now there are 3 new eggs from Sadie! Those old eggs are some of the 6 growing goslings! I don't know the dates on them at this point...will look again when I candle next...but I'm amazed they're growing, and also that Sadie started laying again when I thought she was done for this year. I"m not counting them before they hatch (trying not to anyways) but I could have 6 babies if they all do!

I also have at least 3 new eggs to decide what to do with now too. Funny geese!
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One of my 2 goslings appears ill... She isn't walking, she's breathing heavily, closing her eyes, and shivering (at about 97 degrees).

Both navels are still the same size, except they are now discolored and drying because of the iodine tincture I've been applying. I switched to an antibiotic ointment for the night. For those that have seen this before, did the goslings absorbed them? or did you have to wait until they fell off?

Harry and Alex have a few curls left, but the "mediocre" colored curls group look pretty smooth in comparison.

Amy, its funny you have that "goose and fig" picture. My geese ATE my fig tree *lol* I have it circled in a rebar and wire cage now, and it seems to be coming back. I guess the wire will serve as a mulch cage for next winter.

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