2013 Sebastopol Breeding/Gosling Thread

GF the woman admitted it was 1/2 sebbie and half Toulouse and she was selling it for a friend. The picture of this baby shows it might be a splash from that breeding. If mom was white and dad was the Toulouse the gosling can be a splash because it is not grey. It looks splash.
GF I bred my white girl Samantha with our solid grey gander and I had two the first time and the female was grey and Spicie was a grey splash.....

If the female is white and the gander grey the splash will be male the greys will be females. Now if you have a grey female to a white gander the grey will be males and the splashes will be females.
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[COLOR=000080]The first sign of this gosling not being full Sebastopol is the price $20.00. Sebastopol goslings can go from any where from $50.00 to $75.00 depending on the breeder. Some go for more than that. There are a lot of people out there miss informed about colored Sebastopol's. Color was there already. Dave Holderread will tell anyone the first Sebastopols had spots on them. Then him breeding them the color started to come out with different matings of the whites. So basically color was already there in them it just had to be bred out.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=000080]So many people just do not realize it they think it had to be bred into them.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=000080]I would not use that gosling in your breeding program due to it being a mixed breed.[/COLOR]

I think that some people have used other breeds to get color, even if Dave H didn't.
GF I bred my white girl Samantha with our solid grey gander and I had two the first time and the female was grey and Spicie was a grey splash.....

If the female is white and the gander grey the splash will be male the greys will be females. Now if you have a grey female to a white gander the grey will be males and the plashes will be females.
Ok- that is what I was trying to remember- the splash males from Grey x White are really "dilute grey". So she must have a boy there.
Yes, ChristineR there have been people do that because they wanted certain colors but then we again have mixed breed Sebastopol's to work with and try to get back the type of the pure Sebastopol's for the standard.
"The white variety of the Sebastopol is best known. There are also gray and buff color varieties." So there's no reason for me to have even thought for a minute that b/c it was gray that it was a crossbreed. See, that's what's so difficult/confusing about this. You have people on both sides telling you something completely opposite. Yes, there IS a lot of information out there, but there is also a lot of MISinformation as well, and both sides of the fence are going to tell you that what they're telling you is right. Know what I mean? That's not to say that perhaps other breeds weren't used to bring in color at some point, but that should've been so far back that it shouldn't even matter anymore. Unless people are trying to widen the gene pool, which is certainly plausable, but she should've stated that it was a mixed breed when she listed it on her sales list. Cuz now I've gone out and gotten 3 more to go with it and it's just gonna screw things up and I'm going to be going backwards vs moving forwards and it's going to take me generations to fix it. It'll cost me more money in the long run to fix it than it would if I'd just sell it and buy a good quality one "now".

Not that it isn't cute or anything, and not that we don't love it's personality, but still. You guys know what I mean. LOL!
This is Space Ghost. She said she can't guarantee color or sex, but it looks to be a gray saddleback.

We think this one might be a white.

She said she thinks this one might be a buff.

And here is the one that was sold to me as a gray sebastopol but turns out that it is a sebastopol/toulouse mix.

Here they all are. The 3 purebreds are on the left and are 1 wk old.
The one on the right is the mix and is 2 wks old.

The one on the left is the one that was sold to me as a gray. Not even close!
Unfortunately, now I've learned a lesson.

Does anyone have any color guesses on the rest of them?
I hatched my first two sebbies in April from shipped eggs. The breeder said the parents were from Holderread stock. They were a white gander crossed with lavender and gray geese. One is feathering all white and the other is gray splash. I think they are both females based on the white one's down color at hatching and the genetic cross of white gander to gray goose producing a splash female. I could be wrong but that's what I understood from threads I was reading on color genetics. What I want to know is if they look like they have good type to use in my small breeding project? I don't have experience to know what to look for but want to learn. I was going to get a gander to go with them. Do you see any concerns?

white in front and splash in back




Thanks for any input

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