2014 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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My Blue Australorp Rooster Sid-Vicious when he was a bit younger

My buckeye(We originally thought she was Heritage RIR but ended up with a mix of both in our eggs.) Having a nice yawn
So many great submissions!!!!


One question before I submit - is some sort of credit given as to whose photo it is within the calendar, with a website or name of their farm? Or is just the photo included in the calendar with no information about where the photo came from, name of bird, owner etc?

We don't include farm / website info, but we do usually put the userID of the winner, the name, breed, sex, etc. of the bird(s) and sometimes a little bit of info about them, their personality, their background, etc.

Question, is there an email address we can send the original photo files to? Or does BYC upload the original file size?

The files need to be uploaded to this thread for our review / rating purposes. If we end up needing a larger version we'll contact you directly.

FogHorn and Martin they are Just my pets,
Amy in NY
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Our Coop w/attached run covered in snow by the blizzard that hit the Northeast in early February 2013 and my daughter Jaymee with her favorite hen in early spring.
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