2015 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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sorry if other pets are not aloud I just thought it was to good to pass up. its my aussie sisika with my new babies who hatched last week they are lavender ameraucanas. the next pic is just of the babies I took these today and they were my favorite out of all I took and I hope you enjoy them too!

Here are a few I took today. I might go back out and try again. The flock wasn't feeling very photogenic today.

This is our rooster, Russel Crow.

The hen is named Gloria and the kitten is Tuck. Yes we name our chickens. Some people think that's weird, but I think it's fun! :)
I named all of mine I've already entered my pics but heres my girls!!
this is pepper shes top of the crop
this is Maggie she the most submissive and very cheeky and greedy
this is chilli friendly very greedy
this is speckles she doesn't like being picked up but likes being stroked and held but she's very devious and sly
This is baby Thelma a 6 day old silkie

This is Dixie..she is a mixed breed(mutt)...4 weeks old. These are my entry
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