2015 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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Here is my entry! :) Picture number one: My most favorite rooster Magnet (Mr. Chick Magnet) and Picture number two: My sweet hen, Pearl, and her first (adopted) chick (buff orpington x white leghorn)

Hey all you aspiring photographers: If you head out for a photo session with your chickens, make sure your digital camera is set to the highest resolution!
If you only have the camera on your phone, some of them have adjustable resolution, too. See this link for tips: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2383739,00.asp

But digital cameras tend to have higher resolution than the camera on your phone. You want a camera that you can set to at least 6 or 7 megapixels, I think.

Have fun. I look forward to seeing all the photos, so I have already subscribed to the thread!
My camera's highest setting is 6.1 megapixels, which only makes the pictures 2838 x 2134 pixels, so probably closer to 7 megapixels would be better.

Entry #1
6 Month old Faverolles pullet, Saraflav

For my 2nd Entry I could not decide between these two:
Welsummer pullet Captain Hook in the yard

Black Laced Red Wyandotte Cockerel in the grass

edit: Okay taking Scratch n peck's advice and making the BLRW Cockerel my entry #2. although if you wanted to use the welsummer instead that would be alright too :)
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Those are beautiful chickens @Farmer Viola . That's a tough choice between the last two. I think I lean towards the cockerel in the grass because it is a bit more unusual, and I like the way the light is hitting the face. Once you decide, you can edit your post down to the 2 final entries so they don't disqualify them. I think you can edit a post yourself up to two weeks after you originally submit it on this forum.
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