
7 Years
Oct 29, 2012
Tyro-Lexington, NC
Figured I'd start a thread so folks can share when their local feed stores will have chicks for the rest of the chick-a-holics on here.

I was just at the TSC store in Lexington, NC and they expected them today but they didn't come so they should have some tomorrow.
I wish it had been a couple of days sooner since I just had a broody whose clutch was a dud. I would have loved to have slipped some chicks under her. Maybe I'll have another broody once the chicks arrive.
I may still have to grab some and tell my clueless hubby that they are from the failed hatch and I have to take care of them since momma is no longer broody.
Think I could get away with it?
My local tractor supply told me no babies till the 18th of the month. If your husband is like mine and don't know a lot about chickens you might get away with the plott. There is some good in a uninterested in chickens, husband.ha! Ha! What goes on in my barn stays in the barn Lol. My flock keeps growing but I'm not sure he knows it.
I wish I could get those cute little faces to work. My browser has problems, and I'm too dumb to know how to fix it. I been up in the hollow too long. I know chickens more than computers. I would set up the lamp. If you see them you can't resist. Tooooo cute.
Tractor Supply had nothing setup but the two Rural Kings have Wyandottes (silver laced and gold laced), Rhode Island Reds, ISA Browns, Jersey Giants, Easter Eggers, and black sex links. There were empty brooders waiting for more breeds too.

Wish we could have more chickies....
Cool!! What kind did you get? I didn't go to town today so no chicks. I have to go there tomorrow and will be in the area so we'll see if I have the will power to wait for another hen to go broody instead of bringing some on home.
I did it again. I called the guy I got my eggs from the first time and found out he had chukar partridge eggs, bobwhite eggs, and silkies. I bought them all. Hubby gave me the one side of the lip up look, but just kept walking. I'll take it as do whatever. So excited. Incubator is sanitized and running. Eggs go in in the morning. Happy Happy Happy.

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