I'm new to quail, I have just 5 coturnix now in a pen that is 4' x 8' solid bottom, very predator proof, and I'm wondering if its too big for only 5 birds?

Also, I want to give them some natural treats. I found some long grasses with seeds, I've put those in, what other grassy, plant type treats can I give them? I also have alfalfa growing near the house, I've picked some of that and given to them. I'm trying to give them things that they would eat in the wild.

any other suggestions?
They will be quite happy with game bird feed.

Your cage isn't going to be to big as far as sqft ether. But you could have a problem with to tall.

Nothing is predator proof but you can get it near Fort Knox. Good luck.
Great, it sounds like I'm doing ok. They seem to be happy, they come up to me when I open the door and try to peck at my shiny fingernails and let me pet them. I have gotten 6 eggs already, which is so exciting! I guess it's a male that calls out, even when I've got my hand in the cage cleaning or whatever he just calls away.
I also gave them a large dog food bowl with DE in it, they really love that too.

I'll keep reading and learning! thank you
my quail are 8 weeks old and 10 weeks old and have sorta started to lay eggs i got 4 at the start but i havent got an egg in 14 days i am feeding a 28 percent protein gamebird starter . i have 4 boys and 12 girls . they are in a 4 foot by 2 foot pen with a soft top and are on hardware cloth . and have constant access to water and food and a hiding hut .
my quail are 8 weeks old and 10 weeks old and have sorta started to lay eggs i got 4 at the start but i havent got an egg in 14 days i am feeding a 28 percent protein gamebird starter . i have 4 boys and 12 girls . they are in a 4 foot by 2 foot pen with a soft top and are on hardware cloth . and have constant access to water and food and a hiding hut .

Good start! Do they have natural light, or light of any kind during the day? Thats important to stimulate laying also. Sometimes when they start laying they can have stops and starts, some don't. Crushed eggshell will help your girls also.
Does anyone in oregon have hatching eggs? I have been trying to get my hands on some good hatching eggs but the last ones I ordered off ebay got a 0% hatch rate and the box came to me smashed. No broken eggs but the box was concave. I got 2% hatch out of 100 eggs and they weren't tux's which is what I mainly wanted.
Does anyone in oregon have hatching eggs? I have been trying to get my hands on some good hatching eggs but the last ones I ordered off ebay got a 0% hatch rate and the box came to me smashed. No broken eggs but the box was concave. I got 2% hatch out of 100 eggs and they weren't tux's which is what I mainly wanted.
how many are you looking for? Usually the broken eggs are because of bad packaging. I sell them for $12 per 12+ plus $5 shipping. With good results.

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