2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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My ten week old cockerel, "Bro", catching some evening sun before heading into the coop for the evening.

Ty I thought so, I'm not sure if I can have 2 roosters together. I started raising chickens last year and I had one rooster that my niece had rescued. He was mean and attacked me, his bite or scratch put me in the hospital 8 hrs after attack. I had caught a infection very quickly and remained in hospital one week being pumped w antibiotics. I got rid of him and had only hens. A couple of mths ago my niece left my hen house door open and my sisters very big dog innocently killed 4 of them ( I think he was probably trying to play w them). I bought 4 new chicks from feed store and 2 of them have turned out to be roosters. I still have 3 of my original that r laying ( well one of them has been sitting on the same 8 eggs for 3 mths( I just let her cuz I don't know what else to do
Ty for listening to my rant! I
My chickens
Yikes, I don't blame you for being wary of roosters after your experience. The roosters that I have now are respectful and like to keep their distance from me. But I have had some rude kicking roosters in the past. The rude ones, ironically, were handled more when they were growing up.

It might be time to take the eggs away from your determined broody hen. She might resent it at first, but she will benefit from getting back to her regular chicken schedule which includes sand bathing, pecking and scratching and laying in the sun.
Someone already mentioned only 2 pictures can be entered.
Yikes, I don't blame you for being wary of roosters after your experience. The roosters that I have now are respectful and like to keep their distance from me. But I have had some rude kicking roosters in the past. The rude ones, ironically, were handled more when they were growing up. It might be time to take the eggs away from your determined broody hen. She might resent it at first, but she will benefit from getting back to her regular chicken schedule which includes sand bathing, pecking and scratching and laying in the sun.
We are getting rid of our CCL Roo because he attacked my oldest daughter a drew blood. It broke her heart.
Kendyl, your coop and run are beautiful BUT, I would think the chickens are afraid to come out.........................................unfortunate placement of bar-b-que grill .

I'm sure it was placed there to keep the girls mindful of where they will be if they don't lay eggs

You dyed your chicken for St. Patrick's Day?? No .... just no.

The rooster is beautiful.

This is the chicken I think may be a rooster

You THINK it may be a rooster?
Unless that bird is laying or about to be laying eggs, there is no question.
Quote: it really depends on their temperant. i have had several "pairs" of roos (at diffierent times) and usually mine get along if raised together from birth\chickhood. :)
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