2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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I did and then there was a error
are you using a mobile device, that maybe why.
Uma is lovely and very relaxed in the photo - she makes a very good impression. Could she be named after Uma Thurman ? (loved her in the "Kill Bill," movies)
She is! Thank you so much! I love her to death. She was my first chicken ever and she is a year old now I think.

^ My Salmon Faverolle chick Tot. She is my favorite because she has so much personallity and makes me laugh every time I go to see her even when she was baby.

My rooster, Daryl. He's a great protector, and very friendly towards me as well.
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Your profile pic looks exactly like my chicken corn!

We don't name our chickens just in case there are hard time ahead. It hasn't happened yet though. My profile picture is a Golden Laced Wyandotte and we have two of them. One is bigger than the other, one has fuzz I think she is either molting a little or growing her feathers back where the fuzz is. We do call both hens Goldie since their gold.
We don't name our chickens just in case there are hard time ahead. It hasn't happened yet though. My profile picture is a Golden Laced Wyandotte and we have two of them. One is bigger than the other, one has fuzz I think she is either molting a little or growing her feathers back where the fuzz is. We do call both hens Goldie since their gold.

I named a rooster after my husband. The bird was great to me, but terrorized my kids, my parents and my husband. Lol, we learned about naming after family. We also attempted naming after egg dishes. Now we just call chicken treats.

Loretta - Blue Laced Red Wyandotte hen (I had to resize this img to upload, the original is 10.7MB. I can email the original if needed)

Napoleon - Blue Laced Red Wyandotte rooster
WOW CherryAdventure, that is an amazing photo!! everyone is leaving my pics in the dust.... LOL (pg 81)..... What breed is he?
I had a friend visit, and she has a real camera. Shadow was quite the poser.
I don't know what breed he is. I raised him from an egg. Well, my hen, Vixen, did.
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