2017 BYC Calendars- ORDER NOW!

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I got my calendar! The full-size photos are even better in person than online. Good job photographers and way to go BYC staff!

P.S. And Teila, come on over!
Tee hee CuzChickens no, it is still November but depending on where you are in the States, we are anywhere from 12 to 16 hours ahead of you. So, the first of each month will get here 12 to 16 hours earlier, so I get to turn over to the next month before you

As I said, not much, but I will take all that I can get

So, for fun, marking off the days from when the calendars were posted to when mine gets here:

Come on Teila's calendar, come on Teila's calendar!

Teila, figured a little cheering it on it's way couldn't hurt anything. Let me know if it works, lol.

LOL! Yep, I will let you know! As long as it gets here before the New Year all will be good; except may be yourself who may be hoarse and tired from all that cheering and I will be suffering a severe popcorn overdose
Lol, thanks- but still ALL MINE.
Well, be that way. I was going to pay you millions. Anyway, Rey would be jealous.
See? Look at that face. That is a spoiled face. I told her about Jace yesterday and she got quite annoyed.
Yes, just not as enthusiastic as me :p .
LOL. I am glad you finally got it!
Tee hee CuzChickens no, it is still November but depending on where you are in the States, we are anywhere from 12 to 16 hours ahead of you. So, the first of each month will get here 12 to 16 hours earlier, so I get to turn over to the next month before you ;) As I said, not much, but I will take all that I can get :lau So, for fun, marking off the days from when the calendars were posted to when mine gets here: Ahhh, I see. I'm bad with stuff like that. Oh, and your tick marks......:lau
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