2018 Newbie Chat!

It looks like Duke is taking his rooster responsibilities seriously. At this stage he is pretty bold. It may be the new found freedom and an adjustment period. I feel I will be getting flogged in the near future. My thoughts at this point will be to give him his own area next to the girls. He will still have plenty of room. I rather enjoy spending time with them and he is not having that right now. He herds them away from the run gate and really keeps them in order. Excellent with the girls. I wish I could read him better. I trust Prince way more. I have a different bond with Prince. Duke defintely acts different when the girls are around. Ugh I really don't want to get flogged..
I would watch listings for ducks for sale in the paper or any other form of classified ads within a 60 mile radius.

How does one steal 25 chickens? I mean they had to plan it, they had to have a vehicle and flashlights. I just can't picture it. There had to be some kind of noise.

Very rotten people.
Good idea, watch listings for ducks.

On a lighter note, Jade has gone broody. She was in the nest box all day today. I was running errands most of the day, but the 3 times i checked throughout the day, there she was. The last time I picked her up and she squawked in a way I've never heard before. But at least she didn't bite me! I picked up the 2 eggs under her and set her back down. She left the nest box for the evening, but I just looked at the camera and she's not on the roost, she's in the nest box. I'm going to go out now that it's dark and put her on it.
I would watch listings for ducks for sale in the paper or any other form of classified ads within a 60 mile radius.

How does one steal 25 chickens? I mean they had to plan it, they had to have a vehicle and flashlights. I just can't picture it. There had to be some kind of noise.

Very rotten people.
I've had the same thoughts as you about the noise etc - the owners have two pet dogs live in their house with them - I am puzzled as to why the dogs didn't bark, surely they would of heard. One of the first things I noticed when taking the ducks to The Chuckery surrounded by farm land on one side and woodlands on the other side, when I took the ducks there I noticed how quiet it is, however I also noticed the woods are a very popular area for dog walkers and the dirt road which the Chuckery sits on the edge of gets very busy with pedestrians passing by on route to take their dogs for a walk, so maybe the Chuckery owners dogs didn't bark because they are so used to strangers walking past and around the property - I don't know. I am also puzzled as to why no one heard anything, surely the ducks would have quacked and made a fuss? Unless they were too frightened or the thieves so quick the ducks didn't have time to register what was happening.
Apparently the Chuckery has had failed burglary attempts in the past and I am assuming the owners took for granted their security was sufficient because on those occasions the burglars were unsuccessful - I really don't know but if it is the case and is the same people maybe the thieves took the time to work out how to get past the security - the theft certainly seems planned and organized.
The Chuckery owners informed me they have cameras and have upped their security so I can only hope no more birds will be stolen but in the meantime we are searching for a better secure home for our ducks at which if we find one we will reclaim them and move them on, I live in doubt of finding anywhere though as we put in extensive research before rehoming them and found the Chuckery better than anywhere else and they still are the best we've found.
Unfortunately we live almost 300 miles away from the Chuckery so have no access to their local adverts however there are a few advertising companies which are nationwide so I'm going to take up your idea and search them just in case - would be one of the best moments if my life if I find him.
It looks like Duke is taking his rooster responsibilities seriously. At this stage he is pretty bold. It may be the new found freedom and an adjustment period. I feel I will be getting flogged in the near future. My thoughts at this point will be to give him his own area next to the girls. He will still have plenty of room. I rather enjoy spending time with them and he is not having that right now. He herds them away from the run gate and really keeps them in order. Excellent with the girls. I wish I could read him better. I trust Prince way more. I have a different bond with Prince. Duke defintely acts different when the girls are around. Ugh I really don't want to get flogged..
Awwwww hun, you need time with your girls so giving him his area next to them sounds a good plan.
I hope he doesn't flog you, he sounds excellent with the girls though, maybe he just needs some time to adjust, he was a long time without a flock so maybe is over protective through fear of losing them, if so once he realises that isn't going to happen and the you are not a threat to them, maybe he will relax and back off some. Furthermore this is a new situation for you also, you've had him with you only for all this time so haven't really had the chance to get to know him in his full cockerel role - from what I know of you I am convinced you will get to reading him as much as you do with Prince, seems both you and he just need some time to learn and readjust.
Good idea, watch listings for ducks.

On a lighter note, Jade has gone broody. She was in the nest box all day today. I was running errands most of the day, but the 3 times i checked throughout the day, there she was. The last time I picked her up and she squawked in a way I've never heard before. But at least she didn't bite me! I picked up the 2 eggs under her and set her back down. She left the nest box for the evening, but I just looked at the camera and she's not on the roost, she's in the nest box. I'm going to go out now that it's dark and put her on it.
Oh dear, hope you can get her sorted.
So far I've only had Lilah go broody once last summer, thankfully I didn't have to do much to get her out of it, but I'm hoping no one turns broody again, especially Roo because according to her breed type they are hard to dissuade from being broody.
Jade went back in the nest box today. She was not happy when I took her out, lol. I tried blocking off just that box and so far she hasn't gone in the other one and tonight she went on the roost! Got my fingers crossed. I'll keep that one blocked off for a few days. The other 3 can share one nest box. They all seem to lay at different times anyway. And Diamond has laid twice right outside the nest box, I think because Jade wouldn't let her in. So if Diamond doesn't like or gets kicked out of the upper nest box, I think she'll be ok for a few days. If Jade can get over her broodiness without having to be locked in a dog crate, that'd be great. Especially since I don't have a crate, lol.
One of my Speckled Sussex, Sweetie, is broody now.
She’s the first of my pure large fowl females to actually go broody.
I’m debating on whether to let her set some eggs.
I’m kind of over the whole broody thing now lol.
This is the fourth one!
Mitzi is doing great with her 4 babies.
They’re 10 days old in this photo and two weeks old as of yesterday.


I am pretty amazed at how capable broody raised chicks are though.
These four were negotiating a ramp 18” high at 5 days old.

My older four (6 weeks old) are also doing well. Itsy is still parenting her two black chicks.
I think I had posted that Bootsie stopped parenting the two NN chicks two weeks ago and promptly went broody again. I rehomed her because I’m not dealing with that over and over and she’s always been a nervous basket case.
The two NN chicks are doing great. One of them was showing some extremely dominant behavior last week but has since calmed down. Hormone surge maybe?
I’m pretty sure both are cockerels.

Look at those thick legs!
They have great camouflage just like their sister Cleo does. These guys will be sold to someone wanting NN roosters.
The two black chicks that hatched with these guys are difficult to photograph.
They’re always moving. Those two could be pullets.

And we’re having a problem with the European Starlings getting into our chicken feed.
I’m seriously considering treadle feeders because it’s becoming such a huge problem and expense.
Putting all the food in the coops helps also.
I have to have crumbles and easy access for the babies though.

We’ve been having rain here for almost a week straight. Everyone is sick of it.
We had a sunny day yesterday but today is rainy again and also tomorrow and Tuesday. :(

Our newest addition to the flock, our little white Rock (Crystal), has integrated well and goes into the big coop and roosts with the others.
She’s pretty independent and keeps to herself.
I'm dreading any broody girls. Not now anyway. I'm still trying to figure out everyone else. I may try to integrate the two older girls with the other girls. So now I'm at all girls together and each boy in seperate spots. It may just be easier that way. I got to get the pool gone first, still working on that.
Jade went back in the nest box today. She was not happy when I took her out, lol. I tried blocking off just that box and so far she hasn't gone in the other one and tonight she went on the roost! Got my fingers crossed. I'll keep that one blocked off for a few days. The other 3 can share one nest box. They all seem to lay at different times anyway. And Diamond has laid twice right outside the nest box, I think because Jade wouldn't let her in. So if Diamond doesn't like or gets kicked out of the upper nest box, I think she'll be ok for a few days. If Jade can get over her broodiness without having to be locked in a dog crate, that'd be great. Especially since I don't have a crate, lol.
Here's hoping all goes well for you! :fl
One of my Speckled Sussex, Sweetie, is broody now.
She’s the first of my pure large fowl females to actually go broody.
I’m debating on whether to let her set some eggs.
I’m kind of over the whole broody thing now lol.
This is the fourth one!
Mitzi is doing great with her 4 babies.
They’re 10 days old in this photo and two weeks old as of yesterday.
View attachment 1781428

View attachment 1781429

I am pretty amazed at how capable broody raised chicks are though.
These four were negotiating a ramp 18” high at 5 days old.

My older four (6 weeks old) are also doing well. Itsy is still parenting her two black chicks.
I think I had posted that Bootsie stopped parenting the two NN chicks two weeks ago and promptly went broody again. I rehomed her because I’m not dealing with that over and over and she’s always been a nervous basket case.
The two NN chicks are doing great. One of them was showing some extremely dominant behavior last week but has since calmed down. Hormone surge maybe?
I’m pretty sure both are cockerels.
View attachment 1781453
Look at those thick legs!
They have great camouflage just like their sister Cleo does. These guys will be sold to someone wanting NN roosters.
The two black chicks that hatched with these guys are difficult to photograph.
They’re always moving. Those two could be pullets.
View attachment 1781477

And we’re having a problem with the European Starlings getting into our chicken feed.
I’m seriously considering treadle feeders because it’s becoming such a huge problem and expense.
Putting all the food in the coops helps also.
I have to have crumbles and easy access for the babies though.

We’ve been having rain here for almost a week straight. Everyone is sick of it.
We had a sunny day yesterday but today is rainy again and also tomorrow and Tuesday. :(

Our newest addition to the flock, our little white Rock (Crystal), has integrated well and goes into the big coop and roosts with the others.
She’s pretty independent and keeps to herself.
View attachment 1781495
Awwwwwwwww such beauties! Crystal is stunning :love
As for the treadle feeders, I'm planning on changing to them myself eventually for the same reason as you - just got a few priority costs to deal with first. My breeder friend uses them and highly recommends them, doesn't take any time at all for the chickens to learn how to use them.
Shame about Bootsie, so far mine haven't gone broody and I'm hoping it stays that way lol.

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