Ended 2022 Chicken Gift-Ideas Giveaway - Over $500 In Gifts Up To $35 Each!

Chicken Christmas stocking..I think the cream is pretty.
Sorry this is a bit wordy, but for those that have intense winter arthritis pain, I wanted to share a tidbit of info, one of the numerous things I do that does help.

Nothing is going to keep me from caring for & tending to my flock.
I layer my winter wear, because often the mornings may be below freezing, then as I do chores & the temperatures gradually warm with the sunshine, I can remove some of the layers to avoid sweating, then add layers back when the sun goes down & temperatures drop fast. My favorite item is this Carhartt men's insulated zip hoodie, I wear this daily. If I get too warm I will remove inner layers then put this back on, as it covers where I tend to ache most, power back & hip joints. I order a medium which completely covers my hips, lower back & butt, & that sensitive sciatic nerve that shoots down the thigh. For those of us having arthritis, pelvic, sacroiliac, sciatic & L5 pain, keeping that area covered, especially on a cold windy day, makes a huge difference. Order a larger size for yourself so it can accommodate the layers...long underwear, turtleneck, sweatshirt & double socks...you'll love how effective this will be for doing your winter chores.

Men's Lined Full-Zip Hooded Sweatshirt,
Carhartt Men's Lined Full-Zip Hooded Sweatshirt https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/carhartt-mens-lined-full-zip-hooded-sweatshirt-103312
I occasionally confiscate my hubbies hoodies..I do the layering like you do. He is tall and sturdy so I can shove a couple shirts under the hoody.
I use something like these tubing cutters for processing chickens. To me, it's important to have one-handed spring-action so I can decapitate in a single stroke and keep full control of the bird. However, that takes some hand strength and the maximum diameter is about 1-5/8". It's perfect for my average size chickens - but I must say I don't know if it would be big enough for larger birds:

I have not been able to find a FAST-cutting non-ratchet tubing or pipe cutter with a diameter greater than 1-5/8". If you know of one, please let me know and it'll be on MY Christmas list!

This would be handy for cleaning coops and clearing snow in the run.
Excellent multi purpose, I use one to empty fire pit ash & in chicken's pens, when we get rainy muck weather to scoop the wood chips that the chickens somehow manage to flap producing wing wind, moving chips from inside, through the chicken door, out to the pen, to collect & get nasty (a cold, wet clump) right there on or under the chicken ramp.
I loved my queen size heating blanket..it was just on my side of the bed..if your cold natured and have a bed hog spouse who is hot blooded they will stay on there side of the bed at night. The thing only lasted a year sadly. I need another.
Well, here's the thing, I go from freezing to burning up then freezing again in a millisecond, (ain't menopause grand😡) So...yeah a heat blanket is easier to toss off, then pull back on. Bless my DH for not complaining. 🤭

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