Ended 2023 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

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Friendly Reminder
Pictures need to be in the landscape format shown on the left.
2020-07-28 13_24_02-book-sizes.png

They also need to be at least 3,000 pixels wide & 2,000 pixels tall. If you aren't sure of your picture's size, use this: Pictorum Image Analyzer
Is this right?
Round Photo_Aug282022_135239.png
6. We want to see the world through your eyes, not through the excessive use of editing tools. However, basic cropping and poop removal is allowed.
7. Images that have been resized might be disqualified if they are too small to judge.
8. No people in the picture (no faces, fingers, hands, arms, etc.).

9. No screenshots, and no watermarks, date stamps, text, etc. on the picture.
Poop removal? 😂
This is amazing! :love
Can I give you some advice?
The hen on the far left is a little blurry. Is there a way you could make it so that all the birds are in focus?

Depth of field determines this at the time the image is shot. This isn't something that I can just "magic" into focus. Sharpening tools can sort of give it the illusion of being more in focus, but it adds a lot of noise. The photo was taken at a 45 degree angle from the straight line the birds were in, so the plane of focus is also at an angle, resulting in the birds closest being out of focus, and the birds furthest being out of focus, too. That is the nature of the shot.

This image was also taken 2 months ago. These pullets have graduated into hens, have begun to lay, their combs bright red and plump, they've shed these tails and grown all new ones. I would like to take new photos of them. But my neighbor's invading plum tree is dropping plums in my yard, which the birds love. They poke a hole in the dropped plum and in their little face goes. Those fluffy crests and feathered beards and muffs are sticky with plum juice, covered in dirt, where they find new plums, cover their dirty faces with more plum juice, roll in more dirt, and get even more dirty. I have scrubbed a few faces but they aren't fond of the process. TL;DR birds are not photogenic due to plums
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