Ended 2023 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

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June day 3 (1 of 1).jpg
I think I might want to swap out one of my officials for this one of my 15 week old Faith ...?
I don't know maybe it won't be acceptable with the chicken wire visible in the background?
It's difficult because I don't allow them out of the run yet. So, most of my pix have the wire in the background.

AUG_1603 - Faith.jpg
wow!! what a beautiful photo!+chickens
Thank you very much!! It's very hard to take a picture of Agate up close :(. He has a personal space range from me. The girls adore me and are very clingy so they are a bit easier to take pictures of. Jasper in front is my favorite hen, she is so cuddly and snuggly, I love her so much. I was happy to get a shot of them together and they look like such a nice couple. They are only maybe 6 inches tall at the shoulder so I was laying on the ground to take this shot!
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