Ended 2023 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

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When will we know the finalists? :fl :wee
Here, read this post. ;) vv
Regarding contest timing, judging, etc.
  1. All entries are entered into a spreadsheet as they are submitted & uploaded to an album in the Gallery.
  2. Once the contest closes, our team will go through and filter out all the submissions that don't meet the calendar requirements (takes about a week after the deadline for submissions).
  3. Our team will rate all of the pictures that meet the calendar requirements and select the top 30 pictures.
  4. The top 30 finalists will be contacted via a conversation and asked to fill out a Google Form. There they will enter the name of the chicken, the breed of chicken, and a snippet about their picture. They will also upload their original image(s).
  5. Once the pictures have been uploaded to the Google Form, our team will review them and select the final 13 images that will be printed in the calendar (about a week).
  6. The images go into the design and printing process and arrive at our store (about 3-5 weeks).
  7. We hope to have the calendars in our store by the end of October!
Thanks again, and good luck everyone!
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