Ended 2024 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

Chicken Little didn't want the snow to touch her wings. Henny Penny wanted nothing to do with this....
December 15th


Cool pictures, but they are the wrong format. :( For this contest we need pictures that are wider than they are tall. If you want, I can crop them for you, just upload your originals to this album in the gallery:
That looks like a lot of snow!
Wow how beautiful 😍 is the black one a Maran?
The black one is my silkie Rooster Branch. The leghorns mother had decided she was done rearing them a couple weeks prior. Branch is a wonderful dad and babysits chicks weeks after the momma's are done. It does not matter that 99% of the chicks are not his, he watches over them all.

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