22 weeks old and no eggs


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2015
22 week old Barred Rocks and no eggs so far! Waiting is killing me. Two of them started squatting yesterday, so hopefully it will be soon. They are getting Purina Omega 3 pellets, egg shells, treats. Am I doing something wrong or is this normal? They free range, but they don't venture very far from the coop and I have been searching the area. We open door at 7 am and close it at 8 pm.
That's not unusual. It is hard waiting though.
18-24 weeks is normal. I usually keep my growing birds on a shorter day and don't start laying till about 25 weeks but their bodies are better prepared by then.
How long have they been on layer feed?
Are their combs and wattles large and bright red?
When they're ready to lay there will be 2 fingers width between the pubic bones (on the sides of the vent.
Make sure treats are 10% or less of total intake and if providing egg or oyster shell, it needs to be in a separate container from the feed.
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They have been on layer feed for 3 weeks. On the two squatting, the wattles are a bright red, but the combs don't appear to be brighter.

OK so I guess if there isn't a 2 finger width, then I don't need to be doing an egg hunt every evening when I get home from work. Good to know.
Right. I think you'll just have to wait a bit longer. Squatting is a desire to mate, related but not necessarily the same thing as imminent ovulation.
They also tend to take more interest in the nests shortly before lay commences - like a few days.
I have had hens that didn't lay until about 30 weeks and some lay really early at around 22 weeks! Wait it out....they will lay for you!
I have one (all English line Orps) that just started laying at 28 weeks. One that started at 24 weeks, and 2 more (also 24 weeks) that have yet to lay. I actually think having them start a bit older is a good thing. Lets their bodies be a little more mature.
Yay! We had our first eggs this weekend. We have gotten two perfect (a little small) eggs and one broken one. They haven't hit the nesting box yet but at least they are in the coop. My son was so excited.


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