24 Week Old Pullets Not Laying Yet


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 4, 2011

We have three 24 week old Pullets who have not started laying. Two of the three have bright red combs. The third has a paler comb. They are a silver laced wyandotte, a black australorp, and a golden sex link. The golden sex link has the palest of the combs of all three.

We live in the Pacific Northwest and the daylight is definitely decreased but we do supplement the lighting.

Anyone have any thoughts?


I too have two 24 week EE pullets that haven't started laying and two 23 week old silkie (girls?) that haven't started either. I hope sourland is right stating about two weeks, because I am waiting very patiently (hahaha).
Sounds like they are almost ready. This time of year most new chickens don't need extra light, but I usually put a light on a timer from 6 AM to 6PM to make sure they lay well since I sell eggs.

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