24th day chick alone because of size. Crying constantly and flexing rectum.


In the Brooder
Feb 14, 2023
All of the other chicks are in the brooder. The last one who hatched, assisted on day 24, is alone in the incubator. It is flexing his rectum and crying. When I put in another chick it tries to get under it. I cleaned his bottom and it looks all clean now. There was hard poop all round his bottom. How and what can I give him to help if it is constipated?
Also, humidity in incubator. What should it be while it is fluffy out and drying?
How is he doing?

Yes, if you found a scab over the navel, just leave it alone.

Hopefully he's dried off and is moving about now eating/drinking.
He is doing great. The navel was never wet but what is still attached has nearly shriveled up. I’ve been checking it daily. And he is the tiniest little thing. Holds his own very well with the others though. Thanks for your help.
Once all chicks are hatched humidity can be dropped. The chick may dry better in the brooder. If the others are not to rambunctious it could be placed with it's hatch mates. Otherwise make a small section in the brooder where it can move from warm to cool. If possible give it a buddy in its space.
just put him under a heatlamp in the brooder and fence it off so the others cant pick at him till he's up and about .. be sure theres enough room he can get to a comfy temp spot .. the highest risk your facing handling it alot when theyre fresh hatched is it getting chilled, that will shut down their system and get them sick, and likely die ...
All of the other chicks are in the brooder. The last one who hatched, assisted on day 24, is alone in the incubator. It is flexing his rectum and crying. When I put in another chick it tries to get under it. I cleaned his bottom and it looks all clean now. There was hard poop all round his bottom. How and what can I give him to help if it is constipated?
Also, humidity in incubator. What should it be while it is fluffy out and drying?
Please post photos of the chick and his vent.

Do you mean the chick is sticky? Put it back in the bator to dry off.
I checked rectum again. Seems fine. I’ve put paper towel covering floor of incubator so I can tell if he poops overnight. What I did find, which I originally thought was poop and looks to be a black hard button where his navel should be. Should this just fall off eventually? It’s dry and closed.
The poor thing has stuff from the membrane and shell stuck all in his fluff. I didn’t want to wet him. Usually that stuff drys out and falls off in a day or two. He however has spots of missing down on his back also. He had a rough hatching. I’ve never had a chick like this before. Been very lucky. I spent half the day making sure he got out of his shell, really like him to make it. Don’t know why Im calling it a him.

It’s not black after cleaning. I think it may be dried yoke.
What I did find, which I originally thought was poop and looks to be a black hard button where his navel should be. Should this just fall off eventually? It’s dry and closed.

The poor thing has stuff from the membrane and shell stuck all in his fluff. I didn’t want to wet him. Usually that stuff drys out and falls off in a day or two. He however has spots of missing down on his back also. He had a rough hatching. I’ve never had a chick like this before. Been very lucky. I spent half the day making sure he got out of his shell, really like him to make it. Don’t know why Im calling it a him.
How is he doing?

Yes, if you found a scab over the navel, just leave it alone.

Hopefully he's dried off and is moving about now eating/drinking.

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