25 days old "female" Pekin crying?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 25, 2012
Palm Beach County FL
It appears that Jeniavee is crying... is this normal? I've given them brewers yeast in their water and their poop seem normal (for them) she's breathing ok (she did have a dirty nose, but I cleaned it out). TIA
Jebby is looking left and Jenia is looking right!
I don't know about crying but one of mine had a hurt leg and it whined like a dog. I just wanted to say they are adorable though. They look healthy to me but that not saying to much.
It appears that Jeniavee is crying... is this normal? I've given them brewers yeast in their water and their poop seem normal (for them) she's breathing ok (she did have a dirty nose, but I cleaned it out). TIA
Jebby is looking left and Jenia is looking right!
Do they have water deep enough to wash out their eyes and nares? very important for water fowl to be able to wash their faces. they sure are cute too.
Yes they have a small kiddie pool that they have access to while free range. It happen when she was done in the pool. So I wasn't sure if it was water in her eyes or what.
Yes they have a small kiddie pool that they have access to while free range. It happen when she was done in the pool. So I wasn't sure if it was water in her eyes or what.
Does she act healthy other wise? if so just keep an eye on it and if it starts to worsen then you can get teramycin eye ointment at the feed store and put that in her eye to clear it up.

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