27 Week Old Pullets Not Laying


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 28, 2013
Albany, NY
I have 10 pullets that are all 27 weeks old. They came from a hatchery and haven't laid one egg! They are all different breeds, including cochins, wyandottes, brahmas, and orpingtons. I understand that we have shorter days now, but does that mean we won't get ANY eggs this winter? I don't provide artificial light unless it's going to be below zero and I turn on their heating lamp. They are all on layer feed, grit, oyster shells, and various scraps. HELP! I am totally a newbie and am not sure what I can do if anything?!?!
We'll first, giving them layer feed won't force them to lay. They shouldn't get it until all of them are laying as all that calcium builds up in their body and causes all sorts of problems.
I've had chickens not start laying until 30 weeks so it's not too unusual. There's really nothing you can do to make them start laying other than trying a supplemental light.
I don't have anything helpful to add except that of my three Australorps, who are nearing 30 weeks now, only two are laying. My non-layer still has small, pink wattles and comb and is still very skittish about being touched, while the two layers have big, deep red wattles and combs and are noticeably calmer about getting picked up or handled, and they will sometimes squat for me (as if I am a rooster). How do your hens look and how are they behaving? I've heard some people say their birds waited up to 35 weeks to start laying...
We have ten buff orpingtons that took almost 7 months to start laying. Now we get about 7 to 8 eggs a day. We only feed them layer mix with an occasional treat (leftover veggies or pumpkins) when available. We do have another movable enclosure so they can get some weeds and fresh scratchings. We make sure they have plenty of water and they're doing fine. Since they're this year's chicks they should lay all winter and next summer - they will slow down next fall when they molt. Be patient - it'll come and be worth the wait.
Hi, if it helps my hens are all 28 weeks old and 1 only just started laying 2 days ago. I try to give them adequate food and water, we also have a light hooked up to give them 14 hours of light a day :)
Well they are 29 weeks tomorrow and we are still patiently, or not so patiently waiting. :fl I am just surprised that given they are all different breeds not one has started producing. Is there a point at which I should be concerned? Is there anything anyone knows of that would cause them to ALL not lay? I know, I am starting to virtually hyperventilate, but I cant help it!:barnie
Can you post a clear good quality picture of your hens? I just want to see if they are close to laying yet, or not. I still am waiting on my buff orpingtons to lay and I think that they are around 28 weeks or so, but I'm not supplementing light to that coop. My mixed hens started laying first, then my Barred Rocks and red sex links, then my Wyandottes at 25 weeks. My Black Copper Marans didn't start laying until 32 weeks.
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My 27 week old Australorps are not laying. I have 3 of these. Two occassionally squat for me and they have quite developed combs, etc. The other one's is more pale and much smaller. My girls are in with younger pullets and prefer to eat the pullet food even though the golden layer is available. I give them random scraps and a handful of seedmix each day.
They are in a run but no hiding spots for any eggs. I have put dummy eggs in the laying box but I'm not sure they know what the boxes are for yet. My husband keeps inventing names like - Roast, Schnitzel or BBQ and threatening them but they don't care. I even tried paddling on their back (with hands) to mimick a rooster - No luck as yet.
Fingers crossed they will produce something before winter but who knows. Julie

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