$275 for this coop? Is it a good one?

a few good jumps from a medium size dog and they will break through the hardware cloth. THe holes between the boards are large enough for a racoon to reach in and grab a sleeping hen. THe same animal also can open those locks within seconds. Not much shelter from rain either. Not sure how cold it gets in your area. But i would be concerned about the fact that they cant keep warm in there should the temps drop too much. Buy a 10x10x6 dog kennel and a large dog house and you are better off
It's cute, but I wouldn't go with it. So many pests can get through the cracks and I can't imagine your hens would like spending any amount of time in such a small space.

You could build one yourself in just a little while that is bigger and safer than that, just go with the same, general "lean to" idea but use solid material for walls.
Which one? there are a few there, frankly with the exception of the treehouse one they all seem rather small.

Now if your in a warm climate i do understand the need for good ventilation, that said one has to think predators they can reach through gaps and openings.

Without seeing them in person, it's hard to gauge how sturdy the construction is. My coop is pretty big, especially since i only have 4 but because we have brutal winters it need to be roomy so when the girls are not out they would not be, well 'cooped up' to much lol

Usually, sadly the issue with pre built coops is they lack sizing and proper venting and/or predator considerations, plus cost quite a bit more than building one yourself.

That said i do respect the fact not everyone has the skill, time and tools to build. How about some basic questions, what kind of chickens are we housing? how many, will they free range? or only use a run? are you capable of any building? are there spacing or restrictions on the building due to HOA coding?

Mine is nothing special but it works, we built it ourselves...
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None of their coops are safe. They all feature large gaps and stapled on hardware cloth. Minks and weasel like creatures as well as snakes would be easily able to get in. THose are just a few 1x3s slapped onto 2x2s with a metal roof. Maybe 80-100$ worth of material.
I think we might be able to figure out some building, it would take us a few weekends and might not look as clean. I just wanted to make sure we wouldn't end up spending the same amount in materials (plus time). We are novices when it comes to building and may have to rent tools from Depot to get our cuts. I questioned if this was safe from predators, since there is no door to close them in at night, the hardware cloth will be their only protection. We have racoons, possum, rats and mice in our neighborhood. If the hardware cloth isn't safe, then what is?
We do live in Austin so we have a warm climate, ventilation is a must. I was considering adding onto the run area of this coop, but not sure if that would make a difference if they are free ranging during the day most days.
We are planning on having 2-4 chickens, and let them free range during the day. We have a small budget so I don't have money to blow on getting the wrong thing, or building a coop that ends up costing hundreds in materials.
The hardware cloth in itself is good and safe. The way they put it on is the issue. Those staples come out easily when a predator pushes against the cage. I got mine stapled on and then covered the edges with boards that were screwed into the frame or sandwiches between the plywood and two boards if there was no frame.
Oh, I see! Thank you for that. And I am also curious about the lack of flooring. Would it be a good idea to dig a small trench where I am placing the coop? Or Should there be a floor board or more hardware cloth? Can the chickens walk okay on the hardware cloth if it were to be exposed on the floor?
I've heard of people using washers and screws to attach hardwire cloth, also. But, that may be more of a hassle than another 2x4, it takes a lot of attaching to get it stuck on.

Are you really looking at a small area for a run for your girls? Not free ranging? If you're concerned about predators digging under your fence, you can run the cloth out the bottom away from it to deter them.

Or, are you questioning flooring in the coop? Absolutely floor the coop. Hardware cloth is sharp and is probably uncomfortable for their feet, and I wouldn't trust it with a hungry, nighttime predator.



Thank you all so much who have replied. I know it's time consuming but if you are able to can you take a quick peek at these and see if you you recommend them over the local one that I have posted in the original post. These are all on eBay so I'm not sure where they are being made, it looks like they are mainly fir wood. Thank you!!!

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