28 Week Old EE FINALLY laid an egg.....


15 Years
Jun 8, 2008
Delphos, OH
And it's green!!!!

We had her and the leghorn indoors for the past couple days because of the weather so she laid her first egg yesterday indoors. I built them a coop from a box and the walls of a run.

Apparently after she laid it the leghorn decided to sit on it. My husband thinks she was trying to take the credit for it. Lol!

So today when she had to lay another egg she knocked down one of the walls to the coop. She broke out! So I let them outside and she ran straight for the nest. She stayed in it for about 20 minutes so I checked on her. She was sitting on another egg....poor thing probably thought she was going to be a mommy until I took it out from under her. Or maybe she didn't want Ms. Leghorn to take the credit again! Lol!

Here is a pic of her green eggs next to the Leghorn's white eggs. Poor little green eggs don't even fill out the egg holder. They are a little skinny, but I like them.

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Yeah, I thought I was cursed with an egg-less chicken! I gave my parents a dozen eggs today...11 white and 1 green. They loved it! My mom is going to hard boil it and show it off at our big family Christmas get together on Saturday.

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