3 coons in 2 weeks!


12 Years
May 5, 2010
Milan, MI
The real shocker is all of them were taken in a live trap with no bait. It all started with another varmit that I dispatched and it bled all over inside the trap. I always reset the trap even if I have no bait to put in it. Now I have gotten 3 coons all with no bait in the trap. I am starting to think the scent of the blood is drawing them in. I suspected this after I got the first one with all that blood in there. So I have been dispatching them in the trap and letting them bleed inside a bit. Do you think this could really be what is drawing them in?
might be...do you have it on a well used trail? or at a corner where they are just walking through it? This would depend on the type of trap of course..I have some that have doors at both ends that I put on trails or in front of holes under fences and such
It's a live trap, only one door. It is righ off my back fence line and there is a game trail that parallels the fence about 3 feet away from the trap. My coup is maybe 20 feet inside the fence line. I get coons inside the fence at night and cats during the day.

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