3 day old chick not eating


Jul 11, 2018
Hi there,
One of my baby chicks I had to help out of the egg, I think it was in there to long and now the poor thing peeps all the time unless we hold it, she won't eat or and only drinks if I hold water under its beak with a spoon, and it holds its head lower then normal, i checked and no pasty bum
I will try n get a picture of her tomorrow
I feel so bad for its peeping so much and I don't know why :(
Hi there,
One of my baby chicks I had to help out of the egg, I think it was in there to long and now the poor thing peeps all the time unless we hold it, she won't eat or and only drinks if I hold water under its beak with a spoon, and it holds its head lower then normal, i checked and no pasty bum
I will try n get a picture of her tomorrow
I feel so bad for its peeping so much and I don't know why :(
Is she in with other chicks? They will peep if not with others. Have you tried giving her any poultry drops? I find cooking up some egg, mashing it and feeding it to them can really perk them up, and they will often eat it when they won't eat their food. With her feed, try soaking it in water or mixing it with some egg or plain yogurt and see will she eat it then. Why did you have to help her out of the egg - did she pip at the right end of the egg? Was she stuck/stressed/not moving?
Is she in with other chicks? They will peep if not with others. Have you tried giving her any poultry drops? I find cooking up some egg, mashing it and feeding it to them can really perk them up, and they will often eat it when they won't eat their food. With her feed, try soaking it in water or mixing it with some egg or plain yogurt and see will she eat it then. Why did you have to help her out of the egg - did she pip at the right end of the egg? Was she stuck/stressed/not moving?
Yes she with 2 other chicks that hatched,
Not 100% sure if it was the right end, we usually let the hens do the hatching but no Broody hens,
We ended up helping it out of the egg because it was longer then 16 hrs with no improvement, I have tried to wet the chick feed, and some cooked egg yolk, when it's beak touches it just shakes its beak n backs away, where can u buy poultry drops? I will try the yogurt
Thank you ☺️
You can make her up some electrolytes, teaspoon sugar, 1/4 teaspoon salt, pinch baking powder, in quart of water. You should be able to get Nutri drench online?
OK Thanks you, I will try that and my daughter took them outside today since it was warm to see if it would respond at all better outside and it actually started to eat a couple tiny bit of a worm!

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