3 day old chick walks on hocks and cant stand....help/advice needed please


6 Years
Sep 20, 2017

i have a 3 day old vorwerk chick that cannot walk/stand. her legs are shaking alot too.
a little bit of backstory, i was hatching her (and her sibllings) out under a broody. all was going well until day 15/16 when i was checking on my broody and notice one egg had slipped out and was cold. i put it back under the broody and waited. all other eggs hatched but this one didn't, i candled and saw movement so left her under broody. i had to transfer to my incubator as the broody was showing signs of leaving the nest with the other chicks. the chick eventually hatched about 4 days late. pretty chunky but seemed alert. i put her under the broody and all was fine but i noticed she couldnt walk and the broody was pecking her.
i have brought her in. and i'm giving her chick crumb mixed with a little bit of spinach and net-tex poultry vitamin boost. its day 2 of this but she is walking on her hocks and doesnt seem to be able to move her feet and they are trembling. on the first day i treated her as if she had splay leg as a thought this would help.
is there anything else i can do?

i have a 3 day old vorwerk chick that cannot walk/stand. her legs are shaking alot too.
a little bit of backstory, i was hatching her (and her sibllings) out under a broody. all was going well until day 15/16 when i was checking on my broody and notice one egg had slipped out and was cold. i put it back under the broody and waited. all other eggs hatched but this one didn't, i candled and saw movement so left her under broody. i had to transfer to my incubator as the broody was showing signs of leaving the nest with the other chicks. the chick eventually hatched about 4 days late. pretty chunky but seemed alert. i put her under the broody and all was fine but i noticed she couldnt walk and the broody was pecking her.
i have brought her in. and i'm giving her chick crumb mixed with a little bit of spinach and net-tex poultry vitamin boost. its day 2 of this but she is walking on her hocks and doesnt seem to be able to move her feet and they are trembling. on the first day i treated her as if she had splay leg as a thought this would help.
is there anything else i can do?
Sorry you haven’t had more responses. Are the chicks feet ok?
I had a chick like this a few years ago.
Seen with assisted chicks that did not push out of the egg on their own.
You can try “cup therapy” in addition to vitamins. Make sure there is vitamin B1 in the vitamins, in case it is a neurological problem.
Cup therapy is like physical therapy for the chick. You need a cup, usually a coffee cup will do, that the chick fits in and has to stand up to look over the top. Add a piece of paper towel or non stick shelf liner to the bottom of the cup. This forces it to use its leg muscles. I do not recall how long it should be in the cup at a time. I believe it was around 30 minutes every few hours or so.
The chick I had improved after only a few days of this and grew into a lovely hen.
Hopefully more knowledgeable folks will chime in.😊

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Sorry you haven’t had more responses. Are the chicks feet ok?
I had a chick like this a few years ago.
Seen with assisted chicks that did not push out of the egg on their own.
You can try “cup therapy” in addition to vitamins. Make sure there is vitamin B1 in the vitamins, in case it is a neurological problem.
Cup therapy is like physical therapy for the chick. You need a cup, usually a coffee cup will do, that the chick fits in and has to stand up to look over the top. Add a piece of paper towel or non stick shelf liner to the bottom of the cup. This forces it to use its leg muscles. I do not recall how long it should be in the cup at a time. I believe it was around 30 minutes every few hours or so.
The chick I had improved after only a few days of this and grew into a lovely hen.
Hopefully more knowledgeable folks will chime in.😊

Edited for clarity
thank you for your response. chicks feet are ffine however she doesnt more them or grip anything.
i will try the coffee mug therapy and see if it helps
sorry im from the uk, so it was early afternoon. tendons seem fine
No worries! I think most of us are in the US.

Let us know how it goes. And add the vitamins, if you can. A good b complex is good to have on hand, anyway. I hope it improves. This here is the whole reason I don't do hatching. I am too much of a wimp! Haha!

So I treated the chick as if she had splay leg as her toes are a little curled and her feet wide apart. She manages to get up for short periods but her legs are still very bent. Her hocks have also got a little swollen as she was leaning on them alot. I have been giving her vitamin b2 for 4 days and she is alert abd active but her legs are not normal. She almost doesn't seem to have good balance. Any ideas what this could be?
I have attached some images. The bumps on her hocks are puss filled and have scabbed over. Please ignore her poop covered toe covers I was just about to change them out with fresh ones.


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ok so my conclusion is that she must have perosis (slipped tendon). i am going to put both legs into their correct position and vet wrap them to keep them like that. i have made a sling for her to be in. this is my last resort so fingers crossed that this works

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