3 different thermometers, 3 different temps

Today is day nine, and out of 13 eggs, two look completly blank, 1 looks iffy, and the other 10 all have visibly moving chicks inside. Every time I look at any of the thermos, they always have different readings, so I just stopped looking at them. I know I'm in the ballpark, and theres no way a hen could keep them at one temp so precisly. I do use the combo one just to keep tabs on humidity, but that is also just a reference. I just keep one of the wells in the bottom full and all seems fine. So 10 out of 13 good eggs so far with fluccuating temp and humidity, and I only turn them when I don't forget.
I just hope I get my crested barred rock hen. The father is a crested(tolhound or something,I forget what she called it)and the hens are all BR,RIR, DEL, LT BRM,BWWC,B ORP,and a few other kinds of layers.
My hygrometer/thermometer keeps reading around 100 - 101.something always slightly higher than the water wiggler digital one that stays between 98.9 and 100.1. Most of the time it reads 99.5 or 99.6. I've been told that the average of the temps is what I should consider, so I'm resting with that. I'm now having to add water to keep the humidity up to mid 50's.

My eggs seem heavier when I turn them?! There certainly can be no more weight inside than when I started unless it's a water gain type of thing! My imagination probably. On day 15 now and getting quite excited. We're hoping for at least 3 out of 18 because then my kids won't quarrel over the chicks!

Looking forward to possible Araucanas, RIR, Delawares, Dekalb, Buff Orpington, and White Leghorns
Oh, and Barred Rock
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