3 month old Polish chicken sits on hocks a lot

Hahaha I think you're right about them all being born a little off, she's the only one out of all my chickens that does these kooky things. She's a lot of fun to watch, always makes me laugh! She was the free mystery chick from my Murray mcmurray hatchery order and I'm so glad I got her. Thanks for the advice! I'm not so worried now, just gotta go trim some more feathers ;)
I gave up on trimming Charlotte's feathers. She acts the same weather she can see or not. The weirdest thing she does is freaking out and running every which way like something is chasing her, but there's nothing there. The rest of the flock has gotten so used to it that they just ignore her alarm sounds. They free range peacefully while she runs around like a nut case. She's crazy but I love her :) she makes an entertaining pet

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