3 Turkeys and a Chicken are driving me CRAZY! (Pic)

I'll be glad to hear a response. My Midget Whites go broody........ and that is it. I have done everything, now I just leave them alone. 1 of my MW hatched more Naked Neck chicks last year than I can count. I would leave her with no eggs, and she would still just sit, all puffed up. My Royal Palms and Blue Slates dont go broody for some reason.
Well, looks like you will have to build a broody coop. I had too and it was worth it. I built a little nursery also. Everyone relocates when the time is right. The big one is the broody house and the little one is the nursery.

Thanks everyone. It's hard to move a turkey. I decided to just mark the eggs and let them fight it out. Any new eggs that will be layed near or under them will be picked daily. I'm over powered when it comes to those 4. The turkey hens are pretty gentle but the chicken hen is like Cruella Deville. She is vicious. I'm scared of her.

crj, your broody coops is cute. I have about 35 building structures for my chickens on my property and that is where I went wrong. That allowed me to put more broody hens in them. The more space you have the more you think you want to let them hatch eggs. I have had 30 broody hens (chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese) at one single time.
I almost lost my mind (literally).

bryan99705, I wish that I could shrink the entrance but the geese go in to lay eggs as well. So, they may not fit in. Thanks for the suggestion.

I"ll keep everyone posted on who wins this battle once the eggs hatch.
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I thought I was looking in my coop at first--I have 2 turkeys 2 geese, 1` chicken and a muscovy duck all piled up. Most of the time the chicken is hidden underneath. One of the turkeys is just LETHAL--she bites my arm and twists! It is so painful, but gloves and long slleeves didn't work so I rigged up some padding for her to hit.

I removed all the "valuable" eggs as they were laid, because I didn't want to lose any. So every day I look for goose and/or turkey eggs. Maybe next year I'll let them brood them, but this is their first year and they don't know what they are doing.

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