3 weeek old Easter Egger Chicks in Joshua Tree


In the Brooder
Apr 29, 2023
Joshua Tree, CA
I bought 10 Easter Eggers from Tractor Supply and they are 3 weeks old today. They are a strong and rambunctious group and it feels like i have velociraptors living in the garage. Temperatures are rising here out in Joshua Tree and I’m wondering if its safe to move then outside early?

It was a high of 91 today and will be a low of 66 tonight. Can i transition them outside with a heat lamp at night?
Thank you everyone for your helpful comments! I couldnt find any reason against it other than temperature but didnt want to overlook any other reason.

How long should i wean them off the lamp indoors before transition them outside?
How long should i wean them off the lamp indoors before transition them outside?
Do you know what temperature(s) they're currently at in the brooder?

You can be pretty aggressive about weaning them off heat with your outside temps. Move the heat lamp further away (or dim it) every 2 days or so and plan on having them out by next weekend.

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