3 week 2 day barred rock ~ pullet or roo??


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 18, 2012
Hi everyone! I am starting to wonder the gender of my 3 week old barred rock. The comb is getting pretty big and now what about those wattles!? Oh my! Shelby was supposed to be a girl but now I am wondering....
Anyone have any ideas? I only have 1 barred rock so I don't have anything to compare her/him to.

She Sure looks like a HE to me
LOL Yep, I am thinking I have a boy named ShellBOY!! It's all good. I just hope he can get along with my GLW rooster that is 8 weeks old. I will have 7 hens....I wonder if ShellBOY's will be the ones he was purchased/raised with and Cooper's girls will be the 5 he was purchased/raised with. Hopefully since that are all still young they will be able to live in harmony together.
Yes, he was definitely a rooster! His name is ShellBOY and he is amazing! He loves to be held and now that he is separated fom the other rooster, he is crowing again! I just love this boy! :D

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