3 week old Brahma's wing ripped off by cat, HELP!!


8 Years
Feb 17, 2011
South East TN

I am not really sure what to do here. I am afraid of putting something on it that's intended for humans and will harm her. My cat somehow made her way into our storage building where the chicks are being broodered in a very large rabbit cage. She was able to grab a wing through the bars and ripped it almost clean off at the joint. There is just a nub left.

I gave her some sav a chick water, cleaned the wound with warm water and a bit of peroxide. Dried it off and set her up in a little box in the house with feed, the water and heat. She's peeping a lot but just seems to be more interested in picking at the towel in her box than anything. It barely bled a few drops at first, then nothing really more. What more can I do? It's not a possibility for me to leave for at least 5 more hours and by then Co-op (all we have) is closed. I have all the basics for first aid. I also have gentian violet. I really don't want to loose this girl. She's my only Buff Brahma. :(

Graphic picture below. Warning.
What's right here? Should I cull her? :(
This was right after, so it was still bleeding then. This was about 4 hours ago.

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The wound looks closed? enough skin tissue to cover the wound? I would worry about infection. I dont have any medical background but I have been able to use tea tree oil applied to wounds without problem or ill effects. And the wound healed quick. Or you can try a little tripple antibiotic without pain killers or numbing agents....That can kill the chick as I had read. Dont allow the other chicks to peck to the baby and keep it warm with food and water. Hope he recovers. Good luck.
The wound itself looks closed. No, not enough skin. There is exposed bone. Infection is my #1 concern and I do not want her to be in pain. :( We do have some Tea tree oil. I can try that.
I added a picture to the original post. I read on a few other posts that if there is exposed bone, the bone should be trimmed back to allow the skin to close over it. I don't know if I could do that but if it would work, I would try.
Wow....that is a lot of bone outside. With a wound like that....the problem is that exposed bone. A vet would cut it to skin level maybe and cover it up but I would not able to do it myself. Weak stomach for that. But I'm not able to cull it myself also...and for all I know you cant use anything with lidocaine or any caine family in chickens or you can risk serious damage or death.
I'm so sorry

I think that too. Someone to hold it and someone to cut. I believe if you do it the chicken is going to be ok. a clean and shap cut. I dont know whats better....a sharp knife or some strong sharp scisors. Maybe a chopping board and a knife. A quick and hard cut to do it as fast as you can so the bird suffer less. The info you found explained how to do it?
I think that too. Someone to hold it and someone to cut. I believe if you do it the chicken is going to be ok. a clean and shap cut. I dont know whats better....a sharp knife or some strong sharp scisors. Maybe a chopping board and a knife. A quick and hard cut to do it as fast as you can so the bird suffer less. The info you found explained how to do it?
Yes. Basically what you said. Clean, sterile knife, scissors, nail clippers,etc. A clean cut and then to cleanse well in betadine then neosporin. Re-clean/dress daily until healed. I figure she can't live with the exposed bone. She'll die. So, at least I could attempt a mini surgery on it, keep it clean and give her a chance. Then if she still dies, I tried. Especially because I have read of other full grown hens loosing a wing to dogs or raccoon and they were able to heal from it.
I think the chance for her to live and have a normal life is high if the operation is a success. Once that exposed bone is gone and covered then is antibiotic to fight back any kind of infection and she should be good. I'm glad you are willing to fight to save her.
Thanks for asking. Unfortunately, had to put her down last night. Upon further examination, she was missing more skin then she could live without, it was mostly just muscle. A LOT of the wing would have needed to go and she seemed more in pain as the night went on. Pretty upset about it. She was the only Buff Brahma that I got and I don't really want to brooder again this year since mine are already a month old now, so I guess I will try again next year with a new Buff Brahma. Thanks though. :(

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