3 week old chick with broken tail feathers


Mar 17, 2019
Middle Tennessee
3464B396-BFEA-4A97-A914-ECC7D287328E.jpeg 83C31A67-356D-4F3F-B23A-63656487EB14.jpeg So today was the first day that I left the door to my outside brooder open enough for my 25 chicks to mingle with my flock. I thought I had secured the door (it’s an xl wire dog cage with heat lamps in it, covered securely by a tarp) well enough that the bigger ladies and Roos couldn’t get in. Upon returning home I noticed one of my Cali White pullets had a bit of red on her that shouldn’t be there; investigated and found several broken feather shafts, a good bit of blood, and lots of swelling on that side! I know I have to quarantine her because chick(en)s will pick at ANYTHING out of the ordinary, but how can I treat for a speedy recovery?? Help!!

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